Month: April 2024

Littering devastates our Oceans.

Littering is a bad thing to do and we should NEVER let it happen around us. When rubbish gets thrown away it gets sucked into drains and flows down to the ocean where sea plants and animals live. Rubbish and the sea are not friends.

Litter is bad for the ocean because if a sea animal like a turtle eats a plastic lid the turtle might choke and die. I saw a turtle wrapped around with plastic and it couldn’t grow. Its body was deformed.This is very sad.

I saw plastic bottles flowing around at Anchor Bay beach once and I saw people picking up the plastic bottles. My family and I helped the people. There were big bins that we put the rubbish into. This is what all communities should do but if no one littered then others wouldn’t have to pick up our rubbish!

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is 1.6 million square kilometres big. It is the largest amount of litter in the world. If we were to clear up the rubbish from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch scientists think it would take 1-2 years of non-stop cleaning.

I hope you have learned to not litter. I am trying my best to not litter and to Recycle, Reuse, Reduce and to Refuse to use ‘one use’ cups and plastic. If we all did this everyday, imagine how clean and healthy our environment would be.